Thursday, June 9, 2011

Design Rationale of Level 9 Difficulty X

Author: maltz
Current Version: V2 Beta (June 9, 2011)

  1. Enhance AI's technology to 200% of the rate of human players'. This enables the AI to pace with the ever-prospering human player and provide adequate challenge throughout the game.
  2. Enhance AI's building construction and unit production to 300% of human players'. Such bonuses in Deity are at 200%. This also gives AI faster development and compensates for their humanized population (see below).
  3. Enhance AI's world wonder construction rate to 150% of human players'. On Deity there is no such bonus.
  4. Increase AI's start-up Settler combos to 3 . Each Settler comes with a Warrior escort and a Worker. On Deity, the AI starts with 2 Settler Combos. But the AI has no free Scout on Level 9.
  5. Remove most of Deity AI's notorious "cheats": population growth (60% required food on Deity), unhappiness discount (60% unhappiness on Deity), and barbarian fighting bonus (60% on Deity). Testing reveals that the AI thrives well without these widely complained cheats.
  6. Significantly reduce AI's gold by removing AI's discount on unit maintenance and building upkeep as well as the removal of bonus on population growth. Experiences revealed that Civ 5 AI's ever-growing gold reserve directly contributes to human's explosive growth, from both post-war unequal treaty and sinister or fortuitous pre-war resource and gold-per-turn deals.
  7. Linearly scale up, from Immortal and Deity difficulty, (a) the range of land (now 9) and sea (now 22) of Barbarians (b) the efficiency of AI workers (now 225%), and (c) the AI's number of units supported by population (now 60% extra).


  1. Hello Maltz!

    Long time fan, first time poster. Great job and thanks for doing this for us despite having your hands full with the new baby. Congrats by the way! Hope the new little bundle of joy hasn't kept you up too many nights already.

    Your new mod and scenario sound exciting and I can't wait to try it out next weekend! Question--why did you have to choose Spain as one of the AI's? Doesn't that just force the rest of us to purchase additional content to try your challenge? I wasn't planning on paying for it, but I probably still will just to try your challenge, but I could see this as a deal-breaker for some.

    Also, is the Mesopotamia map another required purchase or is that a free map?

    Cheers and keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Galious,

    Thanks for your kind words! I am very sorry for picking Spain without much thinking. If I may have an excuse - I could use a lot more sleeps at night.

    I hope you like the MOD and find the challenge refreshing. It is very different from a regular game.

