Saturday, July 16, 2011

Challenge 1 Conquest Victory by Crossgate2003 (5)

(5) From Defense to Offence

63a4. Next policy is Organized Religion. Not a very good policy itself, but it leads to two great policies - another Golden Age, and a free policy later. (Two free policies, but on policy points wasted on the policy itself).

0d20. Bribed Suleiman to declare war on Wu Zetian. The two couldn't really fight as none of them are able to invade over the sea. The AI lacks the code to do it properly.

cd05. Suza is founded in the middle of the desert. Incense is good for now. Oil (through prior knowledge) is crucial for tanks.

f9ea. With such a low military power, Crossgate2003 stays much aloat in the game. This is a great example of how to use "just enough" to accomplish the greatest, a true demonstration of a thorough understanding of the game.

52af. Alexander founded a city close to Persia, but Harun came to demolish it from far away. That's just weird...

6206. A double-attack catapult was born from countless exchanges at the final Spanish city! Players tend to call for peace before they need to. This is another great example of how to maximize gains whenever possible.

c3f4. But peace is made with Spain. Why? Because the Catapult is needed elsewhere. The long waiting is almost over.

d19a. Bribed Elizabeth to declare war on Harun for a really cheap price. Elizabeth's technology advances very quickly - Turn 183 and she was already in Modern Era - probably due to the RAs she signed with Persia.

afa3. Scouting Knight entered Arab territory and found that Arab is not heavily defended. The Artilleries look intimidating... will Persia stands a chance a

0fc6. Russia's sea of ancient-era army is... amusing to see. In my game, Russia was full of Renaissance-era units at the end. Being born in a poor region, the AIs do not adjust their unit producing ratios. If they manage to attack with that army, things would be very different. But most of the time the army just sits there...

c378. Ramey comes begging again! And he was asking so much that Crossgate2003 had to turn him down.

1eb6. There is a great difference in troop size in a competent defender and a competent attacker. The difference must be filled with lots of cash. Therefore, the next policy goes to Religious Reform for another Golden Age! Perfect policies for Persia to make use of its unique ability.

7701. Harun's core cities are so close to Geneva. Harun's armies had been busy dealing with Alexander and Elizabeth. Now even Ramey declared war on Harun. Crossgate2003 denounced Harun right away as a return of courtesy.

bbbc. Used Oxford University to rush out a critical tech - Replacable Parts! But Persia didn't have Rifling yet, so the soldiers couldn't be promoted until a few more turns later.

a387. Almost ready for assault!

217b. War declared on Damascus! Infantry and Artillery made short work of the defenders.

93f9. Stats did't give a high ranking to Persia's army. Just in the middle of the rank.

I find that my style of play is very "conservative" compared to what I read, especially from this game. I always try to have an army that I know "will not fail". I usually don't need that many units to accomplish my mission, although still, I usually feel that I have "just enough" to do what I want to do. Maybe I need to learn a few more tricks on army movement management. There are lots of devils in the details.

6b2e. Although Darius' attack on Harun goes very well, Alexander again drops the bomb! How can Persia defend against Alexander's patented sea of units? Or will they fail to show up like last time?

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