Sunday, July 17, 2011

Challenge 1 Conquest Victory by Crossgate2003 (8)

(8) Best Way to Treat the Nemesis

c78b. Crossgate2003 said he never really have a chance to play a nuclear attack game, but he managed to do it very well (thanks to the game's easy-to-understand design). Essentially, A-bomb is not dropped randomly on major metro areas, but used in a batch of 2 to kill ground units and weaken cities to prepare for a grand-scale ground invasion.

The first 2 A-bomb are dropped to the north!

5b96. Took the first city! At the beginning of the turn, this city had 10 population and was packed with enemy units.

99a5. Greek units piled over! But another city is down! Both cities are razed, but here is a little trick that Crossgate2003 used - while the city is being razed, go into the city and sell all buildings. Free cash!

The game is very slow at the point probably due to the large number of units to be computed every turn. (I did it, too.) So most of the operational screenshots will be in hex.

e1e3. As the Greek units pour in, Darius purposely retreated from the two small cities to attract Artillery fire to minimize loss. All of this take and loss is just to buy time for the next wave of bombing.

Elizabeth completed her first spaceship component!

2289. Another bomb dropped!

7264. Follow up! Two bombs are needed to kill a unit.

11eb. While most people develop a lot of highly experienced soldier, the advantage of the contrary is that just purchased soldiers can be frequently instant healed! As Crossgate2003 can afford to purchase new units at very discounted price, he could utilize this instant heal advantage to the fullest.

adca. Severe happiness problem. Sacrificed another Great General for Golden Age (to carry on the war and to avoid loss on the accumulated happiness points). Gave Catherine two new cities to keep cities happy. But before giving the cities away, all buildings are sold!

The small city on the northwest changes hand every turn. Every turn, a Greek unit is killed in the city, and all Artillery fire fell on the city. There is no loss for the Persian troops. That's how clueless the AI's sea of units are.

f070. Catherine unexpectedly gave Open Border to Alexander, and one Persian tank was killed. But that won't slow the progress of the Persian army as Alexander's defense is getting thinner and thinner.

4940. Captured Corinth even without the help of A-boms! Also liberated Tyre (for occupation increases unhappiness.) The tanks charge on the Greek defenders!

2478. Another bunch of Greek units wiped clean! And the Tanks can safely retreat.

4898. In the northwest city, Alexander's melee units are almost killed off. The large bunch of Artilleries looks intimidating, but they can't do anything but to keep firing on the city.

0302. Fierce fighting continues just north of Athen. The AIs usually put up a heavy defense in their capital. Strange news arrived - Warsaw is conquered (only possible by Alexander). That's how smart the AI is - the capital is threatened and the AI still diverts its army to attack a City State.

0303-1. Finally, Theocracy! Crossgate2003 had been battling happiness for a few dozen turns. But that worry can be completely ignored from now on.

With the help of Atomic Bombs, the completely destruction of Alexander has been scheduled. However, the real threats to Persia's glorious Conquest Victory are not dealt with yet... until now!

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