Monday, August 1, 2011

Challenge 2 Walkthrough (2e) - Liberty first, something else later?

For clarity and to avoid confusion, I will separate my walkthroughs for England and France. N"e" is for England, N"f" is for France. (N is the sequence number of walkthrough.)

Let's start with England! My early game plan is to quickly settle a couple of extra cities to jump start Elizabeth's economy (or she goes broke very quickly). There aren't a lot of ruins to visit, and the outcomes aren't that good. After giving my best, I visited 7 ruins:

- Population +1 (1 to 2)
- Reveal map
- Scout upgrades to Archer
- Culture +20
- Reveal barbarian camp
- Tech: Archery
- Reveal map

No luck on fancy techs, so I have to research all the key techs myself. (Archery is very good since Elizabeth's unique unit Longbowman can be upgraded from experienced Archers, if they start their training early.

My starting research order is Pottery - Mining - Masonry (improve Marble to boost happiness to found the 3rd city) - Writing - Sailing. I found that the beginning turns for England has very low degree of freedom. The timing is tight. As soon as I get the first worker standing on the Marble, my Masonry is done. As soon as I finished building a Settler in London, Writing is done so I can start on a Library. As soon as I finish the Library, Sailing is done so I get a workboat on the Whale and then Triremes for exploration. Rarely do I have to be so precise on research order.

1005. Purchased the Whale tile after visiting the first CS. Due to the lack of river, England has very low income at the beginning. Better keep income in the positive!

1006. Picked the Liberty tree for Elizabeth for the rapid expansion at the beginning. I might not need to rush to end of the Liberty tree. There might be other policies in greater need.

1007. Robbed a Settler from Egypt! (Got 42 gold from Ramey before the war declaration.) And I didn't forget to pillage the farm for another 14 gold (the amount is random)! The source of Workers could be a big problem early on. The best way to get the free Workers are to take them directly from City States or another Civ.

Egypt is England's only neighbor. Since sooner or later I will go to war with Egypt, I may as well rob a Worker right at the beginning, when one Worker is infinitely better than zero Worker.

1008. Bought the Deer tile outside London. When I finish Granary, both tiles become 3/1/0. So when the citizens work on both Deer tiles, I immdiately have 4 food surplus. After building a camp, the Deers will become 3/2/0. But that won't happen until much later - there are many more urgent techs to research before Trapping.

1011. Using Liberty policy's free Settler, I found York SE of London. An alternative location for York is SW on the hills, for faster access on the Marble. However, I will have delayed access to the sheep and lose access to a tile of Fish to the NE (will become visible in later screenshots). Tough call.

The best location for York I think is actually right on the Gold tile NW of London. But as you can see it is blocked off by a Barbarian camp and an Egyptian warrior. Interestingly, my first Worker was safely escorted back home without being attacked by either. It looks like that the Egyptian Warrior is on its "exploration routine" and is reluctant to attack hostile units.

The Egyptian warrior later followed Ramey's kidnapped Worker back to London, but as my second Warrior was trained, I had no trouble taking it out.

London's strating build order was Scout - Monument - Granary - Warrior - Archer - Settler - Library.

1015. Next policy goes to Honor. Soon I will send out my Triremes to explore the Mediterranean sea. Certainly I will see a lot of barbarian ships and camps, and I can take quite a lot of culture points from them.

1016. Finally I was able to take out the Barbarian camp just NE of London. The camp has a captured worker from CS Hanoi. Of course I am not returning it! Hanoi is not particularly resource rich, but it is right in the middle of England and Egypt. Since my plan is to conquer Egypt later (probably with Longbowman), I will certainly need to occupy Hanoi to link the trade routes later.

1024. Nottingham is found on the Gold. So far my City spawning sequence is identical to crossgate2003's choices (although we did many things differently - for example, he has completed the Great Pyramid at this moment, and will go on to build the Colossus statue).

There is a little bug in the game that when a new city is found on a luxurious resource, its happiness bonus will not be counted on the same turn. In the next turn, my Happiness will return to +3.

With two Workers chopping forests on unless tiles, London will soon finish the Library and move on to finish a Scout and then the Workboat (for the Whale) and Triremes (2 planned). I will then be able to explore the Mediterranean sea to meet with other Civilizations to trade and sign RAs, and to receive greeting golds from City States. Then, I hope to build the National College in London, the Heroic Epic in Nottingham or York, and rush full speed to Machinery. I hope to have about 4 Swordsman and 4 Archers when my military campaign starts.

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