Saturday, July 16, 2011

Challenge 1 Conquest Victory by Crossgate2003 (4)

(4) The Second Arabian Invasion

1646. Discovered China and sold more resources. Crossgate2003 noted that he didn't want to sign RA with Wu Zetian as she is going after Culture victory, which could beat his conquest victory if she techs up too quickly. Wu Zetian is located in present-day Greece and is there for very hard to reach without ships.

093b. Actually Wu Zetian only held a slight Culture lead, and is in a heated race with Egypt. Wu Zetian's policy progresses quite fast in my game probably because I removed her only competitor. So she ended up with 80% of the world wonders. Quite a collection!

33b5. Suddenly got denounced by Harun. Crossgate2003 denounced right back and gained favor from Elizabeth and Ramey. Nice!

9be5. Harun can't win the argument now as all his neighbors are against him except Alexander. So he... declared war on Alexander. That's AI's classic diplomatic suicide.

33db. Never signed peace with Spain. Burned another city! That's a good way to keep Isabella weak.

e8f4. Declared friendship with England but declined Catherine's identical request. Diplomacy is looking healthy! Much healthier than my Persia in my game - after I took Egypt I became the only center of the world. Crossgate2003 played Diplomacy brilliantly in this game.

74e7. Previously bought a Windmill to accelerate Great Engineer points, and rushed the Big Ben with Great Engineer from Pasargadae. This wonder is critically important in late-game strategy (cheap nuclear bombs), too.

2116. Purchased the alliance of Bucharest. Interestingly, although the player has declared multiple wars on City States, hostile City States remain normal to the player, with its relationship points dropping at the normal rate, probably because they sometimes give out missions to destroy other CS anyway. This is actually a great news for those who wants to conquer City States.

9208. Suddenly decalred war by Harun again! But Persia already signed Defensive Pact with England and Egypt, so Harun has to fight all three.

ffb2. Even so, Harun's army was very impressive. Normally the player would stand no chance - but here is the Citadel! The Citadel is effective (-3 HP/turn to adjacent hostile units) as long as it remains in the territory and is not pillaged.

edaa. Luckily there is only one Rifleman in the first bunch. The Cannons can bombard the city all they want and still can't capture the city without melee. Of course, there is more Arab Rifleman on the way!

cccb. More Persian units rush to the front line. Honestly I never thought an army two generations behind could hold the line - but the Cidatel and skilled moves could make a lot of difference.

838e. Strangely, Alexander declared peace with unconditional superior army. I noticed this trend before, the AI is willing to settle for peace once they failed (or did not try to) make any advance for a while.

At this point in my own game, Alexander was already massing 20+ units of Rifleman and Cannons to attack me, even after I bribed him to declare war on Arabia. I doubt why in this game Alexander did nothing over this long period of war while he is actually closer to Persia. Perhaps he was bribed to war at first, and therefore was never able to activate his "launch massive attack" script. That would be a good way to deter an invasion, though - don't let the AI plan its attack!

5f7d. That's the end of this wave. Looks very threatening, but foiled by superior skills of the human player.

3e2a. Next policy goes to Mercantilism. Only one element left from the best discount combo - but it will have to wait till the Industrial Era.

b05d. Another wave arrived... leaving just enough time for the defenders to heal. This is a classical failer of AI - never attack with a giant force, but many small waves of forces. This wave was crushed as well.

6d0f. Harun mysteriously again declared war to Alexander. I wonder why he is so obessed with having multiple wars at the same time? It happen in my game, too.

And an exploration team has departed for the deserts of Arabia. What are they after? Something important for late game.

0ebf. Now this is getting interesting - after declaring war to Alexander, Harun probably ran out of troops and begged for peace! On a regular Deity game the human player can get thousands of gold from these deals. But only a small profit is gained on Level 9.

With superior skills and Harun's inferior thinking, Persia withstood Harun's second invasion of Rifleman and Cannon. What challenges awaits Persia?

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